Every year for many, many years I have spent a goodly part of each February at the Oakland Museum’s White Elephant Sale. It’s like a grand Treasure Hunt. Just like the search for the Smiley Face, you don’t know what you’ll see, but going on the hunt is always worth it! Everyday new stuff being donated. For the whole month you can bring in a donation and shop (before the warehouse is opened to the public!).
Then the first weekend in March about a million people, hopped up on anticipation and caffeine, line up, surge forward and shop in a frenzy. IMHO, that weekend is to be avoided! Just donate and shop in February. Tell them Ruth sent you. It is after all my birthday month and I am deeply grateful that they put on the mother of all garage sales every year for my birthday enjoyment (Actually, the W.E.S. and I are the same age. That’s another hint about how old I’ll be come the 17 th.).
Hope to see you there! If you see the cashmere sweater before I do, you can have it. There’s always next year. There’s a great thought: don’t stress over things you don’t get/achieve, ‘cause there’s always next year.
Smile. Be Happy.
Birthday Cake Smiley
P.S.: Or as my Grandma Ruth used to say: Another streetcar always comes along.