Here is another opportunity to talk to yourself with the voice in your head. The world is full of wonder and beauty. Notice things that elicit a positive response and talk to yourself about the pleasure they are giving you.
When the clouds catch the light, and my attention, I say, “Good work, clouds.” When I rest my hand on a cool, smooth surface, I say, “Ooo that feels good.” When the wind rustles the leaves so a whole tree seems to shimmer, I say, “I’m glad I was here to see that.”When I walk by a restaurant and the smells make me wish I was inside, I pause, close my eyes, breath deeply and feel like I’ve just had a little tasty nibble. Then I say, “Yummy, yummy in my tummy.”
See, smell, feel, taste or hear something you like? Then acknowledge it. Confirming that it gave you pleasure always increases the pleasure. Say: Yep, that’s really great. And yep, I’m thankful that I was in the right place at the right time to be the lucky one who experienced it.
All day we talk to ourselves. Why not train yourself to have an Internal Optimistic Narrator?
Smile. Be happy. Discuss your happiness with yourself.