Yeah, baby. I wonder about a lot of stuff. Here’s some good fortune for curious people like me: Curated websites (Funny. Just yesterday I was saying how I loved Spell Check and today Spell Check is telling me curated isn’t a word. Spell Check, come on. Catch up. It’s not 2010 anymore.).
So, as I was saying there are these really great sites where clever curators cull the coolest and the most intriguing stuff they find on the Internet. Most have a way to sign up for a daily or weekly email. Most can be followed on Twitter.
Following their feeds on Twitter is the best because the curators tweet several times an hour. You just click and view a specific item; no scanning to find if there’s anything which interests you within a larger presentation. Not too keen on Twitter? I wasn’t either until my kid loaded TweetDeck onto my computer. Now I can control what I’m seeing.
There are dozens of great curated sites. Here are a few of my favorites: . @brainpicker . @GuyKawasaki . @GOOD
.@matthiasrascher (I think only on Twitter)
Hope you take a look.
Be happy!