Right now I am wanting more than anything to zone out. But, there’s quite a bit of work I should try to get to today, because tomorrow is going to be very full.
But, truth be told, all I want to do is hang in the hammock, with a book and any and all available cats, to totally zone out. So, I’m giving myself permission to shift the rest of my TO DO list onto a future day or days. I know it might mean that Friday ends up being hectic. But on Friday I’ll also be ready to give myself permission to push some of the tasks to another date if that’s what I need.
I think it’s the mark of being at peace with your life to give yourself some slack. Most of us have no problem telling others, “No big deal. Get to it when you can.” But then we struggle with allotting that same generosity to ourselves.
I’m just saying that sweet, tired, headachy, little Ruth needs a break right about now, and luckily her boss (ie: self) is a go with the flow kind of gal.
Smile. Be happy! And lighten up!
Out of my way, I’m heading to the hammock!