I woke up this morning, looked up, and my ceiling fan was smiling at me–what better way to start the day! WOW Smile-a-Thon

Often people feel that creativity is something they simply do not have, something you either you have or don’t. What if instead you viewed it as something you ignited or did not? How do you ignite it? By doing! Everyone can ignite creativity.
You can choose to be a creative person; it’s not an attribute like hair color or height! It’s an attitude, a go-get-it kind of thing! When you compose an email, cook a meal or put flowers in a vase, those are all opportunities to ignite your creativity.
So here’s our practice for today: Slow down just a little. Pause and act with intention.
• Give yourself the green light to add a little humor, wisdom or beauty to that email. Maybe a joke, a quote or a photo.
• Why not a little flair as you put the food on the plate. You’ve already done the hard part so take a second and have a little creative fun. Think of how food is presented in a restaurant. It’s never plop, plop, plop, three blobs on a dish. Chop something green to sprinkle on top. Dribble some sauce in a zigzag across the plate.
• You’ve bought the flowers. Do you really want to just shove them in a vase? Re-think the idea that getting those flowers in water is a task to be completed as quickly as possible so you can move onto the next in a series of forgettable duties. Might there be something outside your front door that would make a cool addition? Something to add height or color? If the vase is clear, what could you add to the water to make it more visually exciting? Food coloring, marbles, rocks, acorns, berries . . . You get it. Be creative.Try this. Try that. Change your mind. Try something else. It’s fun!
And here’s the best part of all: You can’t get it wrong. There is no correct way.
Wait, here’s something even better: It feels great! There is nothing quite so wonderful as the pleasure felt as you look upon your creation!
Smile. Be happy! Be Creative!
I love a campfire in the yard every nice evening–Lo and behold, it smiled at me!
I love to collect driftwood, rocks, etc… This piece of wood has one end that smiles–he watches over me while I type.
WOW Smile-a-Thon
The tiles in my patio table are bright and Smiley!
WOW Smile-a-Thon
While sweeping my back patio I noticed this Smiley…
looks like the mother ship left one behind!
WOW Smile-a-Thon
I was sitting outside enjoying a cup of tea when I noticed the stucco smiling back at me.
WOW Smile-a-Thon
I was watering the plants outside and saw a Smiley in the mexican tile.
Guess he likes to play in the water! WOW Smile-a-Thon
I bought a table for our patio–my boyfriend looked at the tile pattern and said it looked like dancing monkeys with headdresses!
They make me laugh every time I look at the table.
I was walking by a potted plant and noticed that the sun coming in through the transom was making a Smiley on the pot.
WOW Smile-a-Thon