As my children became older and my responsibility to drive them to more and more places shifted from after school hours to evening ones, many people joked that I’d surely be glad when they were old enough to drive and I no longer had to be on the road late at nights.
How far off the mark those predictions were! As each child got their driver’s license I deeply missed the intimate late night drives. It had always been a joy for me to sit and hear them tell me the details of their day. There’s something especially nice about being with just one child, alone in a dark car…they open up in way not experienced any other way.
Hub Cap Smiley
Now those years are over; all my kids are in college. What I wouldn’t give to be the one to pick them up, late at night, once again. If only I could have put on the brakes of time.
Don’t forget to savor the moments of today. You do not ever get to have today’s moments again.
Smile. Be Happy.
Sunset Smiley
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