A guest post from Christy.
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“A smile happens in a flash,
but its memory can last a lifetime.” ~ Anonymous
Go on, you can do it. Just smile. Smile for no reason. It will make you feel happy.
Did you do it? Do you feel happier? I know I do.
I am smiling right now just at the thought of all of you smiling. It gives me so much joy to think that everyone who is reading this is smiling. You know just the act of smiling can help you change your mood, it can make a bad day just a bit brighter, and it can add lightness to a heavy room. What could be better than that?
You know what else is great about a smile? It is free. Yup FREE! I have been on a bit of a personal journey lately, looking for ways to live a more blissful, joyful, happier life every single day. What I have realized over the past several months is that the best things in life are free. Think about it! Really think about it. Love is free, friendship is free, time is free and of course smiling is free. These, and so many other things in our lives, are free and yet they are often taken for granted. We spend so much of our time trying to acquire more stuff. We want more clothes, more furniture, more cars, a bigger house, a cottage, a warm vacation home; all these things we work to acquire thinking if we have more of these things some how we will be happier but in the end they don’t bring us as much happiness as we hoped. It also doesn’t give us sustained happiness, eventually the clothes and furniture wear out and the car gets old and then what? Then we need more new things to make us happy. It becomes a vicious circle.
Smiling is just one of those free things that can just make you a little bit happier everyday. Think about how simple it is. Smile at someone and just see what happens. Most often they smile back. If you are a parent think about watching your kids having a great time at the park and how they smile from ear to ear. How does that make you feel? If you are like me it just gives you so much joy. And you know what? Smiling is contagious. It is something you pass on to others and then in turn they will pass it on to the people in their lives. Before you know it you have helped pass along a little bit of happiness and joy to dozens of people just by smiling to one person.
Going back to that quote that I started with, “A smile happens in a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime”, there is so much truth in it. It is a gift that keeps on giving, not just for you but for the recipient of your smile. It is often the smallest of deeds that mean the most. Smiling takes so little effort but has such lasting effects for everyone, so take a second to spread a little happiness and flash a smile.
A couple of Christy’s favorite smiles on the faces of her little girls
Meet Christy Laverty
I am a Mom to two girls, wife to a busy artist, and a freelance writer and radio news editor. I am a twitter addict when I have free time…which is not often. I am often pondering some of the most difficult questions of the Universe…like why aren’t there enough hours in the day? Anyone have an answer for that one? I am on a journey to live a better life, part of that means seeing the bliss in everything and living in the magic of life every single day.
Catch me on twitter www.twitter.com/Imfreckles or on my blog at http://frecklesthemom.blogspot.com