Operation Smile: Changing lives one smile at a time. Spontaneous Smiley is proud to be a part of their effort. Thanks to all the Smiley Captains whose uploads of a Spontaneous Smiley earned a $1 donation to Operation Smile. Our little community here at Spontaneous Smiley has funded surgeries for 22 kids! I’m super proud of this and filled with gratitude for all the Smiley Captains who help keep the $1 a Smiley pledge alive by making donations. Here’s Spontaneous Smiley’s video
explaining how schools and service groups can be a part of this effort by hosting a Smile-a-Thon http://spontaneoussmiley.com/operation-spontaneous-smiley/
Watch a super happy, smiley video of thanks from children whose lives have been forever changed by Operation Smile!
Take a look at how Cordoso started life. It’s amazing what $240 can do for a child!
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