So thrilled to have
Oprah’s Daily Blog,
be about Spontaneous Smiley!
You read that right.
My little happiness project
on Oprah’s website!!
Bouncing off the walls
and dancing on the ceiling!
Little did I know that just a couple months after this piece on Oprah.com, I would be having lunch with Oprah (and getting her to J-U-M-P with me!)
The Oprah blog is a place where you can find engaging news coverage, fresh inspiration, and the straight talk you’ve come to count on. A place that provides the tools you need to make a change—if not in the world—then at least in your little corner of it. It’s a place that will raise your energy, lower your blood pressure and occasionally make you laugh—in short, a place of possibility. ~ from Oprah.com
HUGE thanks to EVERYONE for the flood of love (and website clicks) that came my way as a result! Here’s a little graph I like to call “My Oprah Spike.”
Smile. Be happy! Be happier!!