Today I overheard the conversation of a group of young people talking about the things they miss since graduating last year. No more Halloween Parades or Pajama Days or field trips.
Oh, did I forget to mention, they were graduates of Elementary school.
I was struck by the idea that we stop going on field trips when we leave 5th grade. Eleven years old and “no more field trips for you!” I don’t think I want to go along with that; it seems like a crazy restriction. On field trips you have permission to poke around and ask endless questions. Who’s to say we can’t take field trips for the rest of our lives?
The guy seemed a little startled at first, but then I could see the idea growing on him. As we talked about the details I could almost see the wheels turning in his head, thinking about cool stuff he would show me. It’s almost like I’d invited him to show off. Who wouldn’t like to be invited/given permission to show off?
I think everybody should get to go on field trips AND get to lead field trips. It’s totally a win-win situation. As attendee you get to explore and as guide you get to show someone else what you do with your days. I know I am often struck by how much more there is to a person, once I get to know them. Even with people I know very well, I am pleasantly surprised to learn something about them that I’d had no idea about:
“When I was in a rodeo . . .”
“What? You were in a rodeo?”
Here’s to having the gumption to ask for a field trip the next time someone tells you something that peaks your interest!
Smile. Be happy.