I’m aware that as I spout my Smiley philosophy some people roll their eyes and think I’m nuts. Well, I’m not really crazy, just optimistic.
Sure, many people think crazy and optimistic go hand in hand, but they’re probably all pessimists who think that, which I know is a really lot of people, but just ’cause a really lot of people believe it doesn’t make it so.
And, actually I believe many, many people are closet optimists. Give them a Smiley subject to talk about and their joy and hope spills out!
For example, today I was in the checkout line at the grocery store. After 4 days house bound with the flu I was just awash with happiness to be out in the world again. Truly feeling grateful that my good old body had kicked the flu to the curb and grateful for the simple joy of selecting just what I wanted for tonight’s dinner.
I was wearing a Spontaneous Smiley T-Shirt. The checker said to me, “I love your shirt. Smiley Toast is one of my favorites. Did you know the woman who started that whole thing, is from right around her?”
I told her, “You’re right. That was me.”
She told the checker one lane over who gushed that she’d been following the Smiley story ever since she saw the first newspaper story.
Then a 3rd checker chimed in, “I think of you every day! I can’t stop see Smileys everywhere.” I asked her, “So, what do you feel when you stumble on a Smiley?” Without pausing to think she replied, “Happy.”
Then the woman behind me in line just had to know what we were all talking about. There we all were, strangers, laughing and connecting over Spontaneous Smiley. Warms my heart. I always have Smiley pins with me, so everyone in line-in all the lines-got a Smiley pin.
It’s really true about those closet optimists-give them a Smiley subject to talk about and their joy and hope spills out!
Smile. Be Happy.
I’m Just a Cock-Eyed Optimist
(and I can’t get you out of my bread.)
Don’t get the reference. Ask a musical theatre fan.
Those musical theatre fans are the best!