Stop and enjoy the small sensual pleasures. Some of my favorites occur in the bathroom.
Washing your face: Slowly slide the bar of soap on your skin. Ooo, it’s so silky.
Brushing your teeth: Don’t forget to brush your gums. It really feels great.
Brushing your hair: Enjoy the brush as it scratches your scalp. Brush your hair in the opposite way that it naturally goes, that feels pretty cool.
And Q-tips. Don’t even get me started on how much I love Q-tips! So thankful I live in a culture with Q-tips!
And my personal favorite: Get yourself a vegetable scrub brush to use in the tub. It feels sooooo good to scratch on hot, wet skin!! Added bonus: If your bathing partner is hairy, it’s tons of fun to make pictures in their fur.
Smile. Be Happy.
* Chest Hair Smiley
(I admit it, staged not Spontaneous)