12 Days that Changed My Life
and the Lives of
100 families.
A friend, recently back from an Operation Smile mission, shared with me a story I can’t retell without getting goose bumps, a story that when heard touches the listener. People have cried, have hugged me, have asked where they can donate. This is that story.
Operation Smile mostly does surgeries on children. But if they have space in the mission schedule they will do surgery for an adult. My friend was in the Recovery Room when a man of about 30, his smile having just been fixed, beckoned her to his bedside. “I brought an engagement ring with me,” he explained. “Could you ask my girlfriend to come in so that I can ask her to marry me.”
This young couple had long ago accepted the fact that her family would never allow them to marry because of his deformity. In 45 minutes and for about $240 (average cost to fund a cleft lip surgery), their lives were forever changed. It feels mighty good to be a part of something this great!!
If you can and you want to help, you’re a couple of clicks away from being the person that makes a story like this one, a reality. Spontaneous Smiley has funded 25 surgeries so far. Let’s aim to make that number 30.
Smile. Be happy!
March 2013
BTW, 100% of your donation goes to Operation Smile. SpontaneousSmiley.com does not receive any compensation!