This week I realized that I’ve been posting the Smiley-a-Day for over a year now. What’s really cool about that is, well there’s a lot that’s cool about that. But at least for me, what’s cool is I can go back to last year’s posts and grab pics and quotes to use for this year. Wow, so time saving.
Not to sound like a whiner, but getting the Daily Smiley up has sometimes felt like a burden (I know first world problem, be assured I am laughing at myself). But the truth is there have been many a night when I’m all cozy in bed and realize, “YIKES I didn’t post tomorrow’s Smiley-a-Day yet. For a girl who loves her bed and hates being cold, jumping out of that cozy cocoon (no matter the season) is really hard. As my mom always said, I’m a delicate flower (I always added, but tough as nails!). OK, I’m rambling. My point here is how fun it was today to work on getting a whole bunch of a Smiley-a-Days preloaded (gotta brag–I have Daily Smileys loaded through 10/15!! WooHoo!!).
The lesson here, for one and all, is how great it is to get yourself ahead of the game. There’s nothing quite so stress inducing as doing things last minute, rushed or behind schedule. Yet we all do it. Heck, I delayed doing my taxes this year and paid for it with guilt and self nagging all summer.
I learned long ago that 15 minutes of extra sleep equal a morning of rushing, chaos and agitation (not to mention arriving late). All I had to do to have a calm morning was to get up 15 minutes earlier (and NEVER EVER think that the extra 15 minutes meant squeezing in more tasks). We really do have the power to design our lives to be stress free and joy filled. But, you have to decide to do it. It won’t happen without intention!
Smile. Be Happy. Be happier!