I met an old friend for lunch today and had such a lovely time. We hadn’t seen each other in a couple years and I was a little worried it would be awkward. How silly of me. Within moments of saying hello we were laughing and carrying on like old times.
Important lesson there, huh? A friend is a friend, period. There was no need for recriminations or excuses about having not been better about keeping in touch. The reasons we were friends when our lives used to intersect more often, was the reason we could easily find our way back to the familiar, comfortable way we’d always enjoyed interacting.
And an even greater lesson, if life’s routines and commitments don’t have your paths crossing, make the effort to intersect!
Smile. Be happy. Call an old friend.
* Photo: Middle of the Road Smiley, so happy my road intersected with my friend Cheryl today!