Today is Do A Grouch a Favor Day.
So does that mean if someone does you a kindness today…it’s a hint?
If you think it might just be, perhaps the grouch for whom you need to do a favor is yourself. Being kind to yourself makes everything in life easier, more palatable, and truthfully less likely to make you feel grouchy.
If you were asked to quickly list 10 things about yourself that are really, really, great, could you do it? Could you rattle them off and still have more to mention. Not things that you’re good at (like I’m a good cook or I drive safely), but things that are about the person you are in the lives of other people.
If that list is hard for you, it should be a wake up call that you need to spend sometime observing yourself. Not to be critical as we so often do, but to notice the kind little things you do through out the day, and then give yourself credit for those things!
If it is still a struggle, how about working to be the adjectives you admire. It can be fun work. I can be rewarding work. But it is work. And to that I say, don’t be afraid of work.