A guest post from Shelley.
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“It means no worries for the rest of your days”
I love songs like Hakuna Matata from the Lion King, it is such a worry free song. It is upbeat, fun, and just takes me to my happy place. We all have trials and tribulations in life, but one thing I know for sure, humor is the key to happiness.
I love to laugh, and make people laugh. When is the last time you had a good ol’ belly laugh where you laughed so hard it hurt? Mine was about 2 weeks ago, and as much as it hurt, the release was even better. I can tell you so many stories of what I’ve done or said to people; I am the ultimate jokester.
For example, recently my son moved 4200 kms away. So quite the distance! I’ve always been close with my kids and admittedly done a lot for them. When my son said “Mom, I know what I want for Christmas.” I said, “And what is that?” He said, “I want a one way ticket to British Columbia.”
My first initial reaction in my mind was, no way. Forget it. You can’t live without me. You can’t handle life without me. Do you even know how do to laundry? Do you even know how to cook for yourself? But I stopped myself before I spoke, and just took in what he told me.
He is 20 years old, and at some point our children are going to leave our home and move on. Having an open door policy with no judgement allowed him to freely discuss, and share his dreams and aspirations. He left right after Christmas and his intention was to get an apprenticeship as a Glass Blower, and within 1 month he achieved his goal. We as parents have to trust our kids, and believe in them. We’ve nurtured them, and taught them, now it is their turn to take their lessons and turn them into life experiences.
Thanks for stopping by…
Shelley Harris
Certified Life Coach and MOM
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
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