I’m always saying, “Don’t miss opportunities to be happy.”
Here an example from my life this week:
I’m getting ready for the wedding of a friend. Getting ready includes figuring out what to wear. So, I’ve settled on a black and white polka dotted dress. Shoes, earrings, belt and sunglasses all polka dotted, too. Then in the spirit of eeeeking out as much enjoyment as possible, I got black and white polka dotted wrapping paper. That’s what they call accessorizing, baby! Ooo if only there was a way to add white polka dots to my black car . . . send me your suggestions: ruth@SpontaneousSmiley.com.
Smile. Be happy. Being goofy helps.
A note about the photo appearing with this blog:
These holes are on the floor in an archway where a gate swings to lock up the entrance. I imagine the worker who drilled not 2 but 6 holes before getting two in the right place was none too happy. I wish I’d been there to point out that it was Smiley good luck that his/her errors left a reason for all to smile. And no, we’d not be laughing at the person,
we’d be laughing at how great life can be!