I must readily admit I have been the worst ever, in the entire history of bad, about blogging here on the Smiley Lady Blog. Apologies. There’s just been a bunch of really hard stuff in my life this year and it often trips me up. Rather, I often let it trip me up.
That said, just sitting here typing, I get a boost. I need, actually we all need, to remember that doing when we feel too down to do, lifts us up. So I’ll practice some of what I preach. I know that, fake it til you make it, works. I know that when you feel like crying, is the perfect time to smile.
So here you go. I’ll make a list of 10 things I am thankful for. I know the act of thinking about them and listing them will make me happy.
1) Dave the husband
2) my kids
3) the cats
4) turning the furnace on for the first time this Fall
5) Trader Joe’s Peppermint Fudge cookies should arrive sometime soon.
6) My mom is still alive and kicking.
7) my electric blanket
8) Dharma Talks
9) books
10) serious socks (that’s what my kids named my super-duper thick socks).
So now the report on how that made me feel. 100% better would be a lie. A bunch better would be the truth. I hope that if you’re feeling blue, you give it a try. I usually make a list of 10 things I feel grateful for as I lie in bed each night. It’s a great practice. At first you feel compelled to come up with weighty things. But as time goes by you realize that the small joys, arising from the small moments, and small things, deserve our notice and our thanks.
Smile. Be happy. Be happier!