Instead of resolutions based on the premise that you are bad and need to fix yourself, I suggest resolutions to bring more joy into your life.
1) Wake up 10 minutes early every morning and luxuriate in the coziness of my lovey bed, instead of popping up and out.
2) Have a little bit of chocolate everyday, even days when my “weekend jeans” feel tight.
3) Listen to at least one piece of music every day, preferably while dancing & singing along.
Making this list is kind of fun! The other model is just a total guilt tripping, bummer! I’m going to keep at it until I have 10, or 20 or 100! No way I can be done, since I haven’t yet promised myself more time with the cats.
Pretty sure 10 minutes sitting in the yard everyday no matter the weather and no matter the TO DO list, has got to be in the top 10 for 2016. As does daily calls to my mom and to my kids. Better add comment on Facebook statuses; that’s always fun and initiates a slew of fun back and forths. In 2016 I resolve to bake homemade cookies more often and to remember how easy it is to make oatmeal for a warm breakfast. I love oatmeal, so I’ll make it at least once a week, duh.
That gets me to 10 resolutions and I’ve hardly scratched the surface of all I’d like to resolve to do this coming year. Guess I’d better get a big old piece of paper to tape to the wall of my office so I can jot down new resolutions whenever they come to me! I’ll hang it right next to my gratitude list, my Giant List of Smiley Things.
It’s starting to look like 2016 is going to be great!! This is a TO DO list I can look at and say, “t’do, t’did, t’dah!”
Smile. Be happy in the new year!
P.S.: It occurs me I could vow to be better about folding laundry, even though that sounds like one of those downer resolutions; I do so love opening a full sock drawer instead of hunting for a matching pair by digging through the dryer. Plus I do my laundry folding on Sundays while I watch Super Soul Sunday on OWNtv! I tell myself, “No SSS, for you little Missy, unless you also attacking the laundry monster.”
P.P. S.: Some Smileys to illustrate my resolutions.