August 21
Happy Statehood
Day in Hawaii
Hawaii is the best form
of comfort for me.
~ Richard Pryor
Today’s Smiley came from a happy trip to Hawaii. Is there any other kind? Funny that yesterday was Bamboo Day. I’d have thought that should fall on today.
Here’s a crazy one, it’s World Daffodil Day. That’s got to be one for the folks below the equator, not the whole world. I hope all my friends in Paraguay are enjoying the spring weather and the spring blooms!
Today marks the anniversary of the release of Dirty Dancing back in 1987. Too bad it didn’t open on the 18th. That was star Patrick Swayze‘s birthday. ooo, did I have a crush on him.
Another couple of sexy guys celebrate their birthdays today. That’d be Clarence Williams, aka Linc on the Mod Squad (1939) and Kenny Rogers (1938).
From the sexy to the pure of heart…it’s also Christopher Robin‘s Birthday. The son of author A.A. Milne was born on this day in 1926. You can hear a very rare recording of A.A. Milne reading from Winnie the Pooh, here.
I hope all the poets out there didn’t see the bad poem I posted for Bad Poetry Day. It might ruin their day for them, and that’s not fair on (Good) Poet Day. BTW, Milne was a wonderful poet.
Grab yourself a cupcake, make that a banana cupcake as it is both Cupcake Day and Banana Day.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley. There we commemorate the beginning of Be Kind to Humankind Week.