August 29
Birthday of
the Zipper
No uplifting zipper quotes.
No not-naughty zipper jokes.
So here’s a favorite song with ZIP!
Today is also Eat Healthy Day over on our AUGUST calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness. Maybe that one should be everyday! Enjoy one of the zillions of Strawberry Smileys I’ve found.
This day also celebrates the publication of the book Mary Poppins in 1934. Is there anyone reading this who has not seen the movie? I’m betting not.
And on this day in 1969, on Michael Jackson‘s 11th birthday, The Beatles played their last concert at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. In 2014, the very last event ever occurred at Candlestick Park. It was Paul McCartney. I was there. It was amazing. Tears and singing along! So grateful I had the chance! If you doubt this photo came from that night, simply because I’m wearing a ski coat in August, please remember SF in August is chilly!
For this, the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ last show, my husband and I are putting on an event displaying never before seen photos from that night! Read all about it! Better yet, join us in SF!
Let’s not forget to send a happy birthday wish out to good old Michael Jackson (1958), Ingrid Bergman (1915), and Lea Michele (1986). And don’t forget the zipper. Today is the birthday of the zipper–patented this day in 1893.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.