September 18
Tell a Big
Whopper Day
a.k.a. Liars’ Day
If you tell the truth,
you don’t have to
remember anything.
~ Mark Twain
Why the Beach Smiley?
See below.
Today’s Smiley is in honor of International Costal Clean Up Day. I simply cannot fathom how anyone can leave litter at the beach (or any where for that matter). But people do, so if you’re near a beach, hope you can pitch in and toss a few things that belong in the trash bin, into the trash bin. Go on. If your hands get dirty you can always wash.
I’m happy to announce it’s Playdo Day, again. If you missed it on the 16th, you get a second chance today. Again, I say, go on. Do things just for fun. Quit putting the fun things last.
It’s the start of Hurray for Imperfections Week over on our September calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness. It’s also Let Your Light Shine Day so let those imperfections shine!
Today was also the day Oprah first launched her Angel Network back in 1997. Oprah’s been doing good things for people for quite a long time.
Today we send birthday wishes to James Gandolfini (1961 and gone too soon), Holly Robinson Peete (1964), Fred Willard (1933), and Frankie Avalon (1939).
And today, I turn 30 years old. That’s right, today I’m 30. No, make that 24. And I’ve just won the Pulitzer, woken up today no longer obsessed about looking old or getting fat, found a 4 carat diamond on the sidewalk. Then right after that Brad Pitt called to ask me out to dinner and dancing, and oh yeah, I’m pregnant with twins and George Clooney is the father and he just gave me a vacation home 25 feet from the ocean’s shore and right next door to Oprah’s Hawaiian vacation home so she and I can practice lines together for the movie well be making with Stephen Spielberg (see above).
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Plus as is often the case, just for grins, you get a different Beach Smiley in the Smiley-a-Day emailer.