December 23
Red Wine Day
Close friends contribute
to our personal growth.
They also contribute
to our personal pleasure,
making the music sound sweeter,
the wine taste richer,
the laughter ring louder
because they are there.
~Judith Viorst
If you don’t get the chance to enjoy a little red wine today, no worries. Red Wine Day comes around again on the 30th.
It’s Festivus, the holiday for the rest-of-us, the goofy holiday started by George’s dad on The Seinfeld Show. Perhaps a glass of a nice red wine to toast the day.
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Public Potty ‘Preciation Day (you get a different Potty Smiley there.). When in urgent need, I’ve often felt such a huge sense of gratitude for that kind person who says a simple YES when I ask if I can use their bathroom. All of you out there who have the power to say YES, or to say NO, just say YES! Please.
Here’s one I had to paste in so as to be sure I got all of the letters in the right order. It’s Pfeffernuesse Day. That’s a small, hard, spicy cookie. I rather like my cookies soft and large and not a bit spicy.
Additionally, it’s Root Day I have no idea why… Maybe it’s roots like potatoes and carrots and beets. Or maybe it’s to honor one of the first television miniseries, Roots from back in 1977. The whole country watched for 8 consecutive nights that January. It was all anyone talked about all week. Ahh, the days before streaming. Special TV events used to have a communal feel. Now we only get that with sports.
Happy birthday wishes to Susan Lucci (1946), Eddie Vedder (1964), and the original Naked Cowboy (1970).
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Plus, as is often the case, the Red Wine Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here.