December 2
Veggie Burger Day
I did not become
a vegetarian for my health,
I did it for the health
of the chickens.
~ Isaac Bahevis
It’s not that
I don’t like bacon, I LOVE bacon.
It IS that I will not give one penny
to support the cruel, torturous practices
of the mega-farming industry.
~ Ruth Kaiser, the Smiley Lady
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Popcorn Day. Popcorn and cocoa, that’s our family tradition for the first rain of the season.
BTW, crazy how little rain we’ve had this year! We didn’t get this combo treat until late November this year! Let’s hope we get more rain this month. Psst, if you’re a Californian don’t make the mistake I made about admitting I kind of hate it when it rains. It’s not PC to do anything short of the happy dance for rainfall.
BTW, here are some wise words on the subject of Popcorn: Of course life is bizarre. The only way to approach it is to make yourself some popcorn and enjoy the show.~David Gerrold
It is also Have a Heart Day. That’s just another way of saying be kind. It’s good for your heart and good for the hearts of others. Pretty much the definition of win-win.
It’s also National Mutt Day. There’s a good reminder to adopt instead of shop when you decide to add a loving animal to your life. Dog bred for sale often live lives of unimaginable cruelly. Mutts are easily, if not more, lovable!
Let’s see who will be eating popcorn to celebrate their birthday today. Well there’s Britney Spears (1981) and Lucy Liu (1968).
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.