February 27
Water Conservation Day
My friends and family
are my support system.
I know that their love for me
is what’s keeping my head
above the water.
~ Kelly Clarkson
It is also No Brainer Day, so how about a little movie about the brain and SMILING! Here’s my presentation about the Science of Smiling presented at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.
Speaking of Smileys and Science Museums, this Brick House Smiley is a permanent part of the Kentucky Science Museum in Louisville when it re-opens this summer. BTW, just typing Brick House got me singing the song of the same title. I have happy memories of singing that song in high school with my friend Renee. Pausing to think about her, and it’s making me smile.
Josh Groban (1981) celebrates this birthday today. What a lovely baritone! He could sing me a grocery store receipt and I’d melt. I first heard him on The Oprah Show. Wow, what a voice!
It’s also Strawberry Day over on the Month of Smiley Silliness. I guess that’s for all the peeps enjoying summer below the equator.
BTW, the Smileys on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see in the Daily Smiley.