February 28
All Aboard!
Train Lovers’ Day
When a train goes through a tunnel
and it gets dark,
you don’t throw away
the ticket and jump off.
You sit still and trust the engineer.
~ Corrie TenBoom
For all those people who drift off to sleep on the morning train to work, it is also Fall Asleep in Public Day, making it a 2-fer for the snoozers.
Here’s another Train Smiley just for grins. Plus you get yet another Train Smiley in the daily Smiley-a-Day e-mailer. If you haven’t signed up yet, I sure hope you will. That’s 3 Train Smileys in one day!
Over on our calendar of a Month of Smiley Silliness you’ll find the perfect Park Bench Smiley. Another popular place for Fall Asleep in Public.
Today’s menu for today’s food holidays: Chili followed by a Chocolate Soufflé. OOO-la-la, a couple of my favorite foods!
It is once again Sword Swallowers Day. Those guys must have great representation–two commemorative holidays for them in one month! We already gave them a nod on the 23rd. Two holidays for Chocolate Cake in January, I can understand, but sword swallowers?!
Today we say happy birthday to Broadway star Bernadette Peters (1948) and the Rolling Stones’ Brian Jones (1942). I raise my glass to the music makers of the world and to the clever inventors who’ve made music so accessible.
Are you wondering if tomorrow will be the 29th or the 1st. Here’s the way to always know: Presidential elections in the USA always fall on a Leap Year.
To get the Smiley of the Day delivered to your email inbox, just subscribe! I promise to never give your info away, to do that I’d have to know how.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.