March 2
Support Music
in Schools Day
I think music
in itself is healing.
It’s an explosive expression
of humanity.
~ Billy Joel
This Smiling Cello joined our family of musical instruments just yesterday–just in time to be featured as the Smiley of the Day. Our home is like one of those TV shows about hoarders. Except for us, it’s not old newspapers or stock piles of toilet paper. For us, well for Dave, it’s musical instruments. BTW, if you get the Smiley-a-Day in your email’s inbox, today you’ll get a different Music Smiley. That’s right, I do have more then one! Would you believe more than 10? Yep.
Who remembers this Folgers jingle? “The best part of waking up, is” ice cream in your cup. I changed it just a tad for Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. No ice cream at home? Head to the grocery store on a bus, for Take the Bus Day (being celebrated over on our monthly calendar). And just because I do so enjoy getting as many holidays crammed into one paragraph as possible, it’s also the second day of International Optimism Week, so your bus is sure to be right on time.
And for Take the Bus Day, here’s a little video to make you chuckle.
Today we say happy birthday to Dr. Seuss (1904) as we celebrate Tongue Twister Day. I have to say, I’m glad it’s not my birthday today, as I’d feel required to put my candles on a Banana Cream Pie since we also celebrate that today. Banana Cream Pie seems to me like slime on slime pie…just sayin’ (I know, saying “just sayin'” is so last year. But I still like it.).
Also celebrating a birthday today are Jon Bon Jovie (1962), Desi Arnez (1917), Karen Carpenter (1950), and Lou Reed (1942). Lou Reed’s’s song Perfect Day, is one of my favorites.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.