April 19
Onion and
Garlic Day
Life is like an onion.
You peel it off
one layer at a time,
and sometimes you weep.
~ Carl Sandburg
Finding Smileys when you’re slicing an onion, is easy-schmeasy! You get a different Onion Smiley over on the website. I have a ton of Onion Smileys. Here’s Garlic Smiley just because onions and garlic always go together.
Here’s a funnier combo; it is both Hang Out Day and Day of Silence. I think the main verb for hanging out is chatting so the whole be silent thing seems ill timed.
Parks are as American as Apple pie, so be sure to eat some pie this week for Pie Week.
Today we say happy birthday to Sophia Grace Brownlee (2003) the singing and dancing darling of The Ellen Show. I told Ellen my mom thinks I’m just as cute, if not cuter. So far she hasn’t called–fingers crossed. Funny aside: This is the first time I’ve type a birth year that fell in the current century.
Check out all the different Smileys, holidays and quotes over on a Month of Smiley Silliness. There we celebrate Bike Day.
Plus as is often the case, the Onion Smiley you get in today’s daily emailer is different from the one you see here.