April 20
Volunteer Day
And in my own life,
in my own small way,
I’ve tried to give back
to this country
that has given me so much.
~ Michelle Obama
I’ve spent time volunteering with Operation Smile. Here are some blog posts from Paraguay and video from the Philippines about that amazing experience. Last year I volunteered with them again on medical missions to Mexico and Bolivia. You can help make medical mission, that completely change a child’s life, possible by donating to Operation Smile!
Today is also Look a Like Day. This holiday was either designed for twins, or better yet, for parents as a tool to embarrass their kids. I will never forget the day I picked up my daughter from school and completely by accident we both were wearing jeans and a pink short sleeved shirt. She almost died.
George Takei celebrates his birthday (1937) today. Over at a Month of Smiley Silliness it’s Husband Appreciation Day, so George appreciate Brad and Brad appreciate George. I sure appreciate my darling Dave. He saved my life.
It is also Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day. I haven’t got a Pineapple Smiley in my catalog. If you do, post it! I’ll use it next year on this day!!
BTW, the Smileys on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see in the Daily Smiley.