May 2
No Pants Day
Dreams will get you nowhere,
a good kick in the pants
will take you a long way.
~ Baltasar Gracian
No problem with dreaming. But if you’re going to dream, dream big and follow up with action and hard work! And be a little afraid. Fear is a great motivator~ Ruth Kaiser
Don’t be surprised if you see people board the computer train today wear only their undies! No Pants Day has become quite the thing in recent years. Although the holiday falls on this day, I found a clip for a No Pants Day NYC 2014 with the event falling in January. not only did they get the wrong date, they definitely didn’t check the weather report.
Today is also the birthday of the song Take Me Out to the Ball Game, published this day in 1908.
Over on a Month of Smiley Silliness we celebrate Hold Hands Day.
Celebrating a birthday today is Dwayne-the Rock-Johnson (1962) and Lesley Gore (1946). We played one of Lesley’s songs at our wedding. It’s always been a favorite of mine.
It is Brother and Sister Day. I dearly hope that as you’ve grown up you haven’t grown away from your siblings. There’s no one else on Earth who knows your story, your whole story, the way a brother or sister does.
BTW, the Smileys on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see in the Daily Smiley. strategically