Hi, everybody. I have the happy honor of posting for Positively Positive. It’s a post about volunteering for Operation Smile. (BTW, I get on a plane tomorrow for a medical mission to the Philippines). If you’re not familiar with the website, I hope you’ll enjoy noodling around over there, that is after having read and COMMENTED on my post (Please think of that directive as enthusiasm, not bossiness. We all know comment count counts.). You can comment as a GUEST so you needn’t give your info or jump through any log-in hoops.
I met Eric Handler, the founder of PosPos a couple of years ago at a Yoga Retreat as a guest of the retreat’s putter-onner, Mastin Kipp of The Daily Love whom I met through my affiliation with Oprah (How’s that for a name dropping sentence of positivity heavy hitters?). I gave Eric’s kids a copy of my book. Recently, Eric was kind enough to send a photo of them reading it. You’d think I’d have saved it to use for promo, but nope. Just spent 10 minutes searching on my computer and couldn’t find it. Anyway, it really MMS (MadeMeSmile, the new LOL), to know that 2 years later they were still reading A SMILEY BOOK OF COLORS. Please don’t forget to go to PosPos and read and post a COMMENT.