I’m thankful for kidneys and lungs, a pancreas and a liver, and a heart, stomach and bladder. All these incredible body parts that just keep chugging along, 24/7, with nary a thought, or an ounce of help, from me. I don’t have to lift a finger and my lungs do the whole oxygen thing. Amazing! I don’t even know what my gall bladder is up to, but I’m sure it’s on task. Wow!
I marvel at this and love my organs for their unceasing effort.
This is how I feel about the waves. I LOVE the beach. I am struck, every time I am there, by the incredible-ness of those wonderful waves coming in and out, all day, every day, all night, every night. They even do it when there’s no one around to witness, no one to stand in awe. I often sit at the beach and think: since I was last here, the waves have kept up their work. I wasn’t even here to say, “Good job.” and yet they kept at it. And when I haven’t been to the beach in a long time, it’s comforting to know the waves are out there doing their thing.
The same with the glorious night sky. Those stars, millions and millions of stars, are twinkling while you’re inside not even thinking about them. The moon, every night waxing or waning. Each night, the night sky, more beautiful than the night before. Have you missed it lately? How about making a pledge to check the night sky at least once a week?
So much wonder. So much beauty. It’s out there putting on a show for us, all day, every day, all night, every night. Don’t miss it. Decide to notice!
Smile. Be Happy.