I love puns and double entendres and mondegreens and limericks and rhymes that don’t quite rhyme.
Or rhymes that rhyme perfectly but the words look way different. Or words that should rhyme because they end the same, but actually don’t rhyme at all. You just might be right if you guess that I’m a big Dr. Seuss fan!
I love using the periods when I type an acronym. It’s F.Y.I. not FYI. It’s O.M.G. not OMG. The ONLY time one can skip this rule is when composing a 140 character tweet. Twitter is like the wild wild west of grammar-no rules and often indecipherable or misconstruable (OK, that last word isn’t really a word, but dang it should be!).
How about when an acronym comes at the end of a sentence, do you still need a period? I say yes! (Example: My son is a student at U.C.L.A..)
Then there are all the words that end with –ology.
–ology literally means the word about . blank . L.O.L..
Love thinking of nouns that could be verbs:
Headache is a noun but migraine should be a verb.
I love using the correct pronoun. Always!
I always, always, always use the –ly ending when I am modifying a verb. Who can resist an adverb?!
I cringe when I hear someone end a sentence with a preposition.
I love hearing someone correctly use the possessive pronoun before a gerund (verbs ending in –ing that act as a noun).
I love the elegance of using exactly the right word, of knowing the difference between 2 words that seem to mean the same but have subtly different meanings. Replete is not a synonym for plethora! Be warned: Thesauri can mislead! Did you get a little thrill from the plural for thesaurus? I did!
When the computer alerts me to my having misspelled a word by underlining it in red, I know I can click and get the correct spelling. But, it’s more fun to look at the word and find the error.
Exceptions to grammar rules and spelling conventions don’t irritate me. Quite the contrary, they delight me.
Don’t even get me started about the possessive apostrophe. My kids even made me a cape to wear in my role as the Apostrophe Lady.
I could go on and on. This isn’t an indication that I have too much time on my hands or that I need to “get a life.” This is my life and I am enjoying it, thank you very much!
Smile. Be Happy.
The photo at the top of the post has nothing to do with topic. But you have to imagine how exciting it was to be on the approach to the Waldo Tunnel and for once have 2 cars lined up just perfectly! I’ve been hoping to catch a Spontaneous Smiley at the entrance of this tunnel just east of San Francisco for years! WooHoo, one more thing checked off of the bucket list!