So much has been given to me; I have no time to ponder over that which has been denied. – Helen Keller.
I too have no time to ponder over that which has been denied, lost, stolen, broken, screwed up, used up, turned down, overlooked, accidentally forgotten, under appreciated, laughed at or was just a colossal fail/mistake on your part. Life is too full of wonderful things and happy moments to focus on the crappy stuff.
That’s not to say that these experiences should be ignored. The blunders in life are merely data for the next attempt. Pay attention. Modify. Adjust. Don’t quit.
And yeah, we all have crappy stuff. It’s just best not to define our days by the small inconveniences or even by the big bummers. And while we’re at it how about not defining so many things as crappy. Small inconveniences are just that, small. Keep them that way by not giving them a second thought.
When you focus on the good and the cool and the happy, you feel so much happier and more content, more Smiley!
I dropped someone off at B.AR.T. today and just as she climbed out of the car her train arrived meaning there was no way she could pay and get to the platform before the train pulled away without her. Oh well, next train comes in 15 minutes, it’s a beautiful sunny day and she has a book with her. No big deal, actually kind of like, “Score!” Well, at least that’s what went through my mind. And no, I’m not going to repeat what went through her lips.
When I witness unnecessary agitation over small annoyances of no consequence, I think to myself, “Deep cleansing breath.” I’d like to say those words to the person who is suffering (self imposed but still suffering), but in that moment of agitation you know they don’t want to hear from a Little Miss Sunshine. I wish they did. I wish they could.
So smile. Be happy! Say “oh well.” and move on.
B.T.W. that’s a B.A.R.T. Track Smiley at the top of the post.