I was motivated to write yesterday’s blog post about this Talk to Strangers way of life by something that happened at the Ball Park. Then I wrote yesterday’s blog and completely forgot this anecdote.
After an Oakland A’s ball game, walking toward the BART station from the stadium is an exercise in close proximity to a ton of strangers. I could tell that many people felt up tight being so tight! I chose to chat it up with the people with whom I was squeezed.
This led to overhearing a conversation with a guy saying he couldn’t understand why anybody’d wear a visor (which happened to be the freeby given away that day to the first 10,000 people at the ballpark. I think I was person 10,001, so no visor for me-a visor loving gal!). The dude was bald and looked at hats as sunburn protectors. I chimed in that people with curly hair (like me) love visors since we get our eyes shaded without getting our curls smooshed. Curly curls are very important, don’t you know.
A few silly comments back and forth, and just like that he handed me his visor! I hadn’t expected it, I wasn’t fishing for it, it simply happened as a result of joking around with a stranger!
Oh, and I got a cool visor. Curls plus a convertible and you gotta know I love visors!
Smile. Be happy and strike up a conversation.