Anyone who follows my blog knows I am a believer in uni-tasking. Every time I see someone multi-tasking, I also see someone stressing. True, they may get a few more things crossed off their To Do list than I off of mine, but good grief is it worth it? NO. NO. NO.
I love my iPhone and I admit to checking e-mail at stoplights and to texting while in a bathroom stall. That said, while our phones have gotten us connected to each other, they have also robbed us of our being connected to ourselves.

Car Smiley
Remember when driving used to mean time with the radio or singing like the Rock/Broadway star your inner self believes you are or even zoning out like a kind of meditation?? Remember? Before the cell phone turned our car into an extension of our work place, our car was this wonderful oasis where we could not be reached. I remember fondly, loving traffic jams because I couldn’t change them, I couldn’t be blamed for them and yet I could enjoy the extra time of solitude and song.
It’s kids who really get the short end of it. Remember when you used to point out cool stuff and explain and answer and laugh with your kids as you walked/drove them here and there? Everyday I see a parade of parents walking/driving and chatting into their phones while their children wait in silence. Not only are the kids being ignored, but I bet they’re listening way more closely than the adults realize. I imagine that some of what they are learning is inappropriate both because of their age and because of its gossipy nature.
Pay Attention during your walk and you and the kids might notice:
Foot Print Smiley, Curled Up Kitty Smiley and Hub Cap Smiley
I know this’ll make me sound like a rebel, a kook who’s anti-tech when really I am not, but how about no phones at meals, or in bed, or when you’re alone with your kids, or when you exercise, etc. You make the list. Think of the times when having your phone meant you ignored someone you were with or completely missed experiencing the place you were in. Next time leave your phone behind. Let your phone wait instead of your life, your kids, your companions.The world won’t end. Promise.
Smile. Be happy.
Cell Phone Smiley (happily smiling as it waits)