August 9
Love a Lake Day
for always night and day
with low sounds by the shore;
or on the pavements grey,
~ William Butler Yeats
It seems appropriate that today is also Smokey the Bear’s birthday (1944). The old bear belongs along the shores of Yeats’ lake.
Today is also Hand Holding Day. Hand holding fits perfectly with Resurrect Romance Week, which start today!.
Be sure to do your part for Cheer Up the Crabby Day. They need our help, right? Sometimes the crabby are the hardest to bear, but the effort to cheer them is so important–they need it so.
It’s Book Lovers’ Day. I however, celebrate this one every day! You’re never alone when you have a good book! It’s also Bowling Day. Maybe a book or an outing to a bowling alley might help cheer up a crabby person in your life. It’s worth a try. It’s always worth a try.
Today we say happy birthday to Whitney Houston (1963), Hoda Kotb (1964), and Jean Piaget (1896). The final guy was a pioneer in child development. His writings are worth taking a look.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.