May 15
Chocolate Chip
Cookie Day
But when you give someone
a wonderful cookie,
you’ve put a little of yourself in,
and you see that someone’s face light up,
that’s satisfaction.
~ Paula Dean
Chocolate Chip Cookie Day…just in time for Cookie Monster‘s birthday on the 25th! Can you believe Cookie Monster is going to be 50?
If you’re more the salty type, than the sweets type, go for a slice of pizza for Pizza Day.

Pizza Smiley
In addition to Cookie Monster, today we also say happy birthday to Madeleine Albright (1937). What a gutsy woman; she has brains and panache!!
Here’s one I won’t be celebrating Pantyhose Day. Hate ’em! I once read an article in the paper where people were surveyed about things they could not do without. One woman said pantyhose. Say what?! The same woman also listed her vacuum cleaner, thus proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she’s nuts!
It’s Turn Beauty Inside Out Week. Internal beauty is the only kind that matters! My pal Stephen Dimmick of The Daily Dimmick (world famous and amazingly talented make up artist), often has something to say about Inner Beauty. He’s got spunk, passion, and wisdom to spare and to share!
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.