February 19
Parking Garage
All day you will find
the perfect Parking Space!
Be grateful for luck.
Pay the thunder no mind –
listen to the birds.
And don’t hate nobody.
~ Eubi Blake
We have a little ritual surrounding parking based on my husband’s belief that he has some sort of magical powers and can always get the best spot. As we near our destination, no one’s supposed to mention parking. Then as he pulls into the perfect spot, he says, “Who am I?” And I reply, “You are the ParKING.” Silly, but it makes me smile every time.
It’s also Chocolate Mint Day. Chocolate plus mint is about as good as it gets in this world! Love it. We’re down to our last box of fudge covered chocolate mint Joe Joes from Trader Joe’s even though Christmas was ages ago!! I always try to save some to eat in honor of my birthday!
I also love chocolate and peanut butter. Yum! You know chips and salsa. You know carrots and humus. Apply that same methodology to chocolate bar and peanut butter. Living the good life. But, I digress…
Over on Month of Smiley Silliness it’s the start of Be Proud of Your Thrift Store Wardrobe Week. I rarely step into a Mall or regular store. I love the treasure hunt aspect of thrifting–yes, it’s a verb.
Today we say happy birthday to Smokey Robinson (1940). He once kissed me. No lie. Nine months later I had a baby. Also, no lie. But also, no connection. Just being silly. Sadly I think the photo from that day is long gone.
The phonograph (how old people used to listen to music, think of it as a precursor to the mp3 player) debuted on this day in 1878. How wonderful it must have seemed when it first came out. It is hard to imagine a world where people only heard music in live performances–where some people never heard music. Wow, imagine your life without music. Pause a sec, and be grateful.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Plus, as is often the case, the Parking Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here.