There had to be one on our fence…
I was at a dinner party talking about Smileys
[insert comment from RUTH, SS creator: Oh, yay!]
and how my wife has gotten tired of my pointing them out [Oh, no]
when my brother says, there’s two on the coconut tree post.
[Oh, goody! Maybe the wife will come around. It is after all a happy thing… Here’s to hoping!-R.K.]
Those darn pine needles annoy me, but this one made me smile!
I was walking back towards my hotel in Virginia Beach,
and I saw an old wooden bar and decided to take a few photos. As I got to the end of the bar I noticed a smiley face made from two peanuts and
a cherry stem, so I decided it was the perfect opportunity for a picture.
I was walking up stairs and looked down to see … yep …
a Smiley on the counter.
We use the red candles when we have company and the periscope is just another piece of interesting junk I picked up years ago.
I was pulling weeds around the potted plants and you guessed it …
I was looking at a smiley under the lily plants.
I was looking at the book shelf and the vibrator had a smile.
I was headed down to feed the worms and
there was a smiley in the wedelia under the banana tree.
Chicago Tribune (and picked up by the wire service):,0,2050435.story