This smiling face is on a tree I parked in front of at work in Riverside, CA.
This smiling face is on a tree I parked in front of at work in Riverside, CA.
I set my daughter’s carseat in the hall while I washed the cover. When I picked it up I found a happy surprise!
My mom was making her breakfast
and we saw the smile in the curve of the rye bread 🙂
I saw this on one of the walls at school! it was a nice surprise!
This buggy is sitting outside my favorite mexican restaurant in San Jose (Tlaquepaque).
I was lookin’ out the window when I noticed this ‘wheely happy’ smiley staring back at me.
My son found this stain by the kitchen sink after I re-potted a plant.
I bought some fresh strawberries, cleaned them and ate a few and put the rest in the refrigerator. The next day I decided to eat some more of them and noticed this one, smiling back at me. I didn’t have the heart to eat it but did take a photo to post in on Facebook!
I have a mirrored mobil. It had a broken string and I was fixing it on my livingroom floor. When I looked up, I saw that the sun shinning through the window was reflecting a huge smile on my ceiling.
When I opened a new jar of strawberry preserves I noticed this happy expression on the underside of the lid. Because I had no one to share this sighting with, I felt compelled to snap a photo so I would remember. this experience and share this ‘vision’ with others. Unfortunately in the two years since I’ve taken this photo, I haven’t seen another spontaneous sighting — but I will continue searching.