I am an amateur photographer that has had this picture for a long time. It was from my dorm room in college (my closet and a chair that was in front of it) I saw it one day and had to take a picture of it and everyone loved it and I can’t look at it without smiling. I saw the CBS news story about your Spontaneous Smiley Project and I loved what it’s about and thought about my picture and had to send it in. I hope you and everyone else enjoys it as much as I do. 🙂
Please take a moment to
SHARE Smileys with your friends!!!
I was traveling across the country after dropping my son off at college in Indiana. There was a beautiful sunrise one morning in Wyoming that I was photographing. As the light began to change, I noticed the sky smiling back at me. Peeling and cutting potatoes, this was in a slice 🙂 “I see things that need to be photographed all around me!” My best friend and I were in Niagara Falls, NY. On our way home, we decided to stop at Goat Island. Everything was frozen from the mist coming off the falls. We made our way down the frozen walkway, ice falling off the trees all around us…and what do we see??? The observation binoculars had frozen into a smiley face!! So cool!!! Found him hiding in my kitchen. Found on my fridge. We went for a walk with our friencs in Kalispell in October 2006 and I was taking pictures of the beautiful fall colors when I saw this tiny leaf on the ground smiling at me…..
Sure, they’re out of season — maybe that’s why these watermelon twins were overjoyed to be picked. Sweet fellas, too!
I live in Washington state and these are the doorknobs in my home which is 100 yrs old.
Happy to hold your stuff for you.
My Smiley was found in my hall way. When I turned it on I noticed the lovely smiley, it makes me smile every time I see it.
I have a permanent Smile on my face! This little gem was found in the Buffalo River in Arkansas during a recent campout with friends.
Well, i hope this is a first on here, because i was actually playing a game of Halo. I was playing as an Elite character and i saw something when my character died. I went back to see if it was true, and saw the smile. I was just going to save the image and put it aside later, and i saw the CBS story and decided to post. First Video game shot.
I saw this out of the corner of my eye, when i was in my living room.
Everyday it works hard and who knew it had something to say?
Looking at my stove and there it was showing its Smiley.
This is where i change my baby.
Found smiley around the house