Soccer Field Smiley I was just listening to a panel discussion about effective behaviors of people who coach sports. The panelists said a whole bunch of interesting things about discipline and motivation. I was most struck by one man’s advice to teach kids (people) to have a mistake strategy or mistake ritual. After a player […]
The Smiley Lady Blog
People were forever asking me how I got to be so darned happy. So I started speaking
to school groups and blogging about choosing to view life more optimistically.
Smile. Be happy!
Ruth Kaiser
I sure hope you’ll click to SHARE!!
Read about Ron Gutman’s research on SMILING. The walls of Ron’s corporate office ( in Silicon Valley) are adorned with Ruth’s Spontaneous Smileys!
I was the featured guest blogger all week F: TH: W: TU: M:
An Anniversary I will Always Celebrate: I think I’ll Play Pollyanna’s Glad Game. 1/18/2011 Surgery today to hopefully restore sight to my right eye. When I first got the news about losing sight in one eye, a Gloomy Gus voice inside me (all filled with feelings of panic and sadness) couldn’t quite believe that I […]
Check out this cool website: Aha Moment: Definition ah-HA noun: An instant at which the solution to a problem becomes clear. Sandy’s definition: (verb) Powerful momentum from within that can strike at any time. Aha! I’m obsessed with Aha Moments and how they affect our lives. They aren’t just a moment. I’ve realized what differentiates a […]
I follow a lot of bloggers and am amazed at all they are able to juggle. Really, I am trying (hard to type that knowing I haven’t done a blog post in a couple weeks!) but feel like I am constantly falling short on this whole be an Internet Personality thing. Yikes, there’s the blog, […]
The phrase being humbled is usually meant in a negative way. As in one having been put in their place or knocked down a peg. I think we ought to revive a truer meaning. To feel humble in the presence of greatness. I so enjoy that moment of realization , Hey, I’m being awed, when […]
First really cold day here in chilly California. Of all things, we have no power. I’m cold when it’s in the 70s, so you can image how cold I am with the thermometer reading 31 this morning and a heater that won’t go on no matter how many times I push the up button. I […]

Today I was kind of floundering through a bunch of tasks and not really feeling like much was getting accomplished. Procrastination was getting in my way. As one of a long list of tasks I was doing instead of settling into work, I called my mom. Surely, a pep talk from mom will get me […]