Did you ever wonder if this was true? Why not test it out. I have to admit it is one of my favorite guerrilla experiments. What do I mean by that? Here’s Wiki’s definition of guerilla warfare: a small, mobile force competing against a larger, more unwieldy one. So, in my guerrilla experiments, I’m the […]
The Smiley Lady Blog
People were forever asking me how I got to be so darned happy. So I started speaking
to school groups and blogging about choosing to view life more optimistically.
Smile. Be happy!
Ruth Kaiser
I sure hope you’ll click to SHARE!!
A message from a friend via Facebook: sometimes I wish reality were just a show I could step offstage from. 23 minutes ago · Like Ruth E. Kaiser If that’s your wish, then give yourself permission. It may feel like life has you cast as the cartoon character constantly trying to out run the approaching steamroller, […]
Nippy cold with a bright sun in the sky! Air so brisk my nose is rosy and the cold air feels so sweet wooshing into my lungs. All that wonderful sensation topped off with the heat of the sun on my face. Couldn’t stand still to just absorb it; had to keep moving to stay […]
Sorry to have been rather absent this week. I’ve felt like the cartoon character running endlessly in front of the on coming steamroller. But then again I also haven’t really let that feeling, be my life. Yes, so much happened this week. Some of it hard, sad, frustrating and overwhelming. But the funny thing is, […]
Yesterday was cashmere day at my favorite Thrift Store. Every year the volunteers who run the shop save all the donated cashmere for this 1 day event. Affordable cashmere, yay! Cool concept, huh?! I always go from worker to worker thanking them for such a perfect event. Nothing keeps you cozy and warm like cashmere. […]

Remember “Character consists of what you do on the third and forth tries.” (John Albert Michener. Note: If this were my quote I might have said eighth or ninth try. LOL) From the last post and now this one, you can see I’ve been thinking a lot about how we all must simply soldier on. […]
I’ve written frequently about sticking your neck out and taking a chance. You know, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Really what’s the worst that can happen? Even when it all goes south, it’s rarely as bad as the way you imagined it might be. Last night I was thinking about what often holds us back. I […]
I just stumbled on this quote and loved it. I think I do live by this credo. Just take a look at the laundry that needs folding and the weeds that need pulling, and, and, and. I could go on and on! Both those chores could have been given priority today. But oh well, they […]
I live at the top of a very steep hill. And, today like several times in the past, somebody got stuck with their car in a slippery predicament. And today, just like other days, the tow truck guys were as nice as they could be. Nerves were on edge but they kept cool. It just […]

Just sitting here trying to think of what to write. What? What? What? Can’t take my bath until I post a blog (I can be very bossy with myself). It’s been such a wonderful day. How do I put into words the contented feeling I have at the end of such a day? What made […]