Silly Smiley Stuff!

You just got to love a cat that’ll get you the Häagen-Dazs! Click to see an amazing cat! See more “Cat Shaming.”

This got me thinking about Jingle Cats! So excited! October means November is just around the corner and November means the release of my 10th annual Christmas CD of unusual tunes! This years is going to be great! I recently spent the night at Joel Selvin‘s enjoying a fine dinner and culling some great tunes […]

This little ditty’ll either make you cry or smile. It’s worth the minute of your day to see what this bear-y loving couple did! So brave! And, by golly if that Dumpster doesn’t isn’t a Smiley! Those silly bear cubs climbed right in the smiling mouth! http://youtu.be/14pYl9bBwsI

Halloween may be a week behind us, but I couldn’t resist.

They really need to add the words: Diaper Changing Station. As is they simply say World Dryer, I assume it’s there company name. But it seems to suggest dehydration unit for the dearly departed.