Teaching a love for ALL life is so important!
Teaching a love for ALL life is so important!
How cool is this?! A hammock for your pets.
Gratitude makes the week’s work a lot easier and way more joyful! How about doing the happy dance with Snoopy and Charlie Brown every time you face a challenge.
And I thought day glow colors for a cast were cool. This is WAY, WAY cool!
LOL, that is funny. All these years, all these movies, about flying saucers coming FROM Mars and the first real one (or one that we know about) is going TO Mars. And, yes, I drew on the Smiley. NASA’s pretty cool, but not quite that cool. Check out the latest images beaming back from Mars.!
Twenty Five years ago! He’s still BAD. I miss Michael Jackson; I was, still am, a big fan. I couldn’t help but draw that yellow circle on his jacket to show you the Smiley Face I found. Watch the great animation movie commemorating the 25th anniversary.
I’d definitely have “The Little Prince.”