A guest post from Elizabeth.
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Ever have one of those weeks when at least 1-2 people in your home are grumpy? The kind of grumpy that is contagious? I am a strong believer that I am responsible for the tone that is set in my home. This grump fest needed to move out and fast.
I was at the grocery story check out one day. There on the point of purchase rack were these stickers. Your basic smiley face stickers. A full pack of smiley face stickers was going to do me good. It had been days of rain and grey that NW people deal with. I decided that grumpy was becoming an epidemic in my home. Shorts days, lots of rain and some changed needed to take place. It had to start with me, and the dog.
I got home and put stickers all over the dog and my own face. Then I went to pick the kids up from school. They were not quite sure what to think of their mom that looked like a “guber”. I told my son, who had called me that name that as long as he was smiling, I shall gladly accept such an honorable name. My daughter got the giggles in the back seat. I carried on conversation as if it were a natural thing to be driving a car with about 40 smiley face stickers all over you.
When we arrived home, the dog was covered on the top of his head with smiley face stickers. That evening not one ounce of grumpy was released from a family member. Joyful and lovely sounds echoed in the house. After the kids were in bed, I was making the mommy rounds and got another idea.
I made lunches and stuck smileys on their lunch bags. I stuck smileys in little surprises places all over the house. I put smileys in underwear drawers. The atmosphere of grumpy became a distant past. I get that we all have our moment of grumpy and we are going to have those days. It’s what we do to make those days better for each other. Every time I think of this week with smiley stickers, I smile. I smile even more when I realize it’s been over 5 years since I did this and every once in a while a yellow sticker smiley face resurfaces.
Your Dreams & Passions, My Help & Experience www.elizabethtraub.com
Elizabeth Traub, Independent Consultant & Interior Designer, Mentor, Coaching, Blogger/Writer, Girlfriend, and owner/designer of www.hungouttobuy.com where they like to think of themselves as that Custom Boutique just across the street. When we show a new design, it is a one of kind, made exclusively for you.
Elizabeth is creative and inspiring with her ideas. She has a keen sense of direction, works with integrity and knowledge. Her experience marketing, branding, social media development, business planning, and design take you in the direction you want to take your company, your home, your event, or your heart on matters that are important to you. A new set of eyes, that are going to help cast your vision and direction.
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