I hope you’ll look through your photos and join our collaborative effort. If you didn’t know, I am collecting photos for my child’s book of friendship. I need pics of friends being friends. Might you have a great shot of yourself with buddies or your kids with their BFF? All ages of friends. Friends being friendly and also friends maybe not being so friendly. Any that you have that illustrate friendship.
I specifically need: One where the person/people in the photo appear to be asking a question.
Email me the BIGGEST file you have to: uploads@SpontaneousSmiley.com. Photos must be ones you have taken so that you call give me permission to use them. They also have to be IN FOCUS! I really can’t use a blurry shot even if it’s the cutest thing in the whole world.
Smile. Be happy. Be happier!
BTW, I’ve been getting some great ones so far, making me so happy to have decided to illustrate it a collaboratively.