Over on today’s Smiley-a-Day we take notice of the first ever, heard on TV, toilet flush. It happened back in 1971 on a great old show called All in the Family. There was a big brouhaha about it, just as there had been in earlier years about showing Lucy and Desi’s bedroom, which was only allowed if they has 2 twin beds (I Love Lucy).
Our standards sure have changed. Back just about this same time I remember hearing my first swear word on TV. It was on PBS; no way would it have been on one of the three networks. The next day all the kids at school were all a titter, comparing notes as to when the show with the swear word was going to rebroadcast. We sure didn’t want to miss it. I laugh when I think how often I hear this particular word on the radio and TV nowadays. What was the word? B**ch. Yep, not gong to write it out. Not a prude, but good old Spontaneous Smiley is an all ages site! Also, not a prude, but I find endless, pointless swearing to be very tacky.
In other ways our standards have also changed a great deal. Sadly, I am thinking of our standards of behavior and decorum. Inparticularly, what’s up with drivers? Leaving to go to work I have to turn left onto a busy street. Would it kill folks to let me make the turn? It can take 5 minutes to get a chance and it’s people inching along. They could let me through with absolutely no effect on their progress. Another driver thing that is so rude, but has become so standard, is not allowing someone to pull out of a parking space. It used to be that if you looked and saw it was clear and then started to back out, no one would zip behind you. It was like once you were moving you had the right of way and a car wanting to travel that lane politely waited. Not anymore. And when did seeing another person put on their turn signal, come to mean gun it so they can’t change lanes?
Ok, rant over. I started this as a nice little trip down memory lane and ended up reliving some not so nice trips down the lanes of town. I am laughing at myself. It is so easy to allow yourself to get in a tizzy. But I’d argue it is just as easy to recognize the impending tizzy and (like a rude driver) cut it off!
Smile. Be happy. Be happier.
And if you get the chance today, let somebody make a left turn!